Monday, February 13, 2012

Not Long Now!

Wow, only two and a half months to go until the big day! Things are coming along very well, and hopefully everything that needs to be done is. :) Invitations have been ordered, and hopefully they will be going out within the next few weeks, so look for yours in the mail next month. There are 3 meal options - Salmon, Chicken, and a Vegetable Wellington as the vegetarian option. All are delicious I promise :) Keep in mind, the dress code for the Wedding and Reception is formal. I'll have to look up some nice definition on this so that I can pass along exactly what we are looking for! For men, it's tuxedo's or a nice suit will do. Women, floor length gowns. If you have a question on what you plan to wear, please ask.

Hotel rooms are still available, but filling fast. April 12 all the rooms will be released that aren't yet taken, so be sure to get a room before then so you can get the best rate.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hotel Blocks

It has come to my attention that all the rooms that the Sheraton has booked for us are now filled. So for anyone who still needs a room, please book at the Embassy Suites. At this time I don't know that I'll be able to add any more rooms on to either block, so please book soon. All rooms not reserved will be released by the beginning of April, so don't wait until the last minute!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


I was recently told that there have not been enough updates to the website (Thanks Amy), so here I am writing one.

So here's the update: There really isn't any!

Things are moving along with the wedding planning. Now that we are down to 6 months away we will be getting a lot of the little details finalized. This will be very easy now that Corinne and Scott will be back in the States the beginning of December (Yay!) When Corinne was home last most of the bridesmaids went and picked out dresses, so I guess that's the newest update I have.

I hope you have been making your hotel reservations, as things are quickly booking up. If you have any problems, please let me know!

Have a wonderful holiday season, with a Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Courtesy of Scott, I have uploaded some new pictures of the happy couple!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hotels Update

Well after a near meltdown on all of our parts, it seems that I now have an abundance of hotel rooms available to me.

First, we were able to get another 10 rooms for our group at the Sheraton (info on the hotel page). Right now, the Kuhars are staying there, as well as some of the Zohil family, for those that want to try to stay at the same hotel as them.

I also now have 10 rooms for Friday night and 25 rooms for Saturday night on hold for us at the Embassy Suites. We are still ironing out to details on that deal, but look for that information later this week on the hotel page.

Along with those two, the Crowne Plaza has also offered me 10 rooms for Friday and 20 for Saturday. Not sure if we will be taking those yet, but we might just to have them, so that might be an option for everyone as well.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hotel Res.

Well folks it already seems that hotels are filling up around the city during Corinne and Scott's big weekend. There are only a few rooms left in the block reserved for us at the Sheraton. There are many other hotels in and around Center City, but even those seem to be rapidly filling, so please call around and book something as soon as you can if you plan to stay there. I will be working through the next few days to try to set up some more blocks of rooms at other hotels, and anything I learn I will add to the site immediately. Please don't delay if you want to get a good hotel rate at a nice location!

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Website

Welcome everyone to Corinne and Scott's Wedding website! As both of them are currently overseas living and working, I am the one keeping this site updated. For those that don't know me, my name is Stacy and I am Corinne's older sister and wedding planner.

Please take a look around the site. There is information on the wedding ceremony, reception, hotel, and some pictures of the the happy couple. There is plenty more information that will be added over the course of the next year, so please stop back often. We will be looking forward to seeing everyone at the wedding in May!